
Controlled drilling

Horizontal controlled drilling (HDD) allows for trenchless installation under all kinds of terrain obstacles (roads, rivers, drainage ditches, watercourses, canals, railway tracks, green areas, etc.), without colliding with the existing underground infrastructure (e.g. water and sewage networks) , power cables, gas pipes) thanks to the ability to control the drilling head.

The technology allows for significant savings compared to traditional excavation techniques, due to the shorter implementation time, no restrictions in traffic and no need for costly reconstruction of the pavement.

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Dysponujemy wiertnicami firmy Ditch Witch, Vermeer i Prime Drilling

PD80/45CU H – PD 80/45 CU charakteryzuje się wysoką elastycznością i maksymalną wydajnością. Wiertnica do przekroczeń rzek i długich przewiertów i średnic instalowanych rur. Maksymalna siła uciągu 800 kN.

JT60 – połączenie mocy i wydajności (siła nacisku i uciągu 267 kN), zapewniające klientom płynną realizację zadania. Idealna do trudnych przewiertów o dużych średnicach.

Vermeer D40x55 Series 3 – najlepsza wiertnica w swojej klasie. Następca uznanej i docenianej wiertnicy D36x50 seria II , której sprawdzona konstrukcja zachwycała swoimi możliwościami i osiągami.  Uzyskiwana siła uciągu 180kN.

JT3020 - extremely strong and reliable anchoring system enabling stable operation in difficult conditions. Pulling force of 134 kN. Works well in urban and suburbs.

Vermeer D10x15 seria S3 – niezawodna i ekonomiczna wiertnica dla małych instalacji w terenach mocno zurbanizowanych. Siła uciągu 44,5kN.

Assistants - MAN FE 360A 6x4 WUKO

A specialist vehicle for the removal of debris from the borehole together with used bentonite from the drilling chambers and for the supply of clean water.

vacuum pump SAMSON 151369
high pressure pump URACA KD 716 G
combination of suction modes with high pressure cleaning
variable volume water and sludge chamber
hydraulically opened bottom
emptying via the discharge piston

Why us?

  • Technical knowledge supported by many years of experience of the operators, which translates into high quality of the service.
  • comprehensive services (pipe welding, bentonite removal),
  • modern equipment from the renowned American company Ditch Witch,
  • drilling length up to 300 meters, diameter up to Φ600,
  • competitive prices,
  • short lead times,
  • execution of orders throughout the country.

Controlled drillings are used in the installation of:

  • energy,
  • telecommunications,
  • water supply,
  • sewerage
  • gas,
  • heating,
  • all kinds of pipelines

Description of the controlled drilling technology:

Horizontal directional drilling consists in making a pilot hole in the planned drilling trajectory and drilling it to the required diameter in order to insert a pipe or a bundle of cables into it.

Stages of horizontal directional drilling:

  • pilot drilling,
  • reaming,
  • pulling the pipeline
  1. Drilling rig
  2. Poles rotating around their axis and simultaneously pushed along the designated trajectory
  3. A pilot head with a measuring probe mounted right behind it
  4. Worker with a probe locator
  5. Head boring a pilot hole
  6. Retractable tube
  7. Swivel to prevent pipe rotation

Pilot drilling:

In the first stage, a pilot hole is made according to the planned trajectory of the drilling axis. It is performed at a properly planned point, diagonally down under the so-called angle of entry. Then, at the appropriate depth, the aim is to reach the horizontal direction. The bore path usually resembles the shape of a parabola. Drilling a pilot hole consists in pressing connected drill rods into the ground with simultaneous rotation. At the beginning of the drill string, there is a pilot head with a control blade, and directly behind it, in a special housing, a transmitting probe is placed, which gives the angle of the head inclination in relation to the horizontal, the depth of the head in relation to the surface and the angle of rotation of the probe, i.e. the exact position of the control plate in relation to the axis drilling. The task of the drill rods is to: transmit the reciprocating and rotary motion between the machine and the drill head, and transport the pressurized bentonite mud from the tanks to the nozzles in the drill head.

By simultaneously pressing into the ground and rotating the pilot head, the trajectory of the borehole is straight. When the pilot head with the drill string is only pressed into the ground, without turning, it turns in the direction depending on the position of the pilot head. The diameter of the pilot head depends on the type of soil. Larger diameters are used for softer soils.

During drilling, a bentonite washer is fed through the pilot head, the task of which is to remove drill cuttings, cool and clean the head, reduce friction by lubricating the drill string and stabilize the walls of the hole.


After the head reaches the starting point, a properly selected reamer is installed in place of the pilot head. Depending on the required diameter of the hole, reaming can be single or multiple. The bentonite scrubber is also fed in the boring step.

Pulling the pipeline

At the last pass to the reamer, the so-called a swivel, followed by a welded pipeline or a bundle of cables with a length equal to the length of the bore. During the uniform rotary return movement, the pipeline is pulled into the widened pilot hole. The swivel is designed to prevent the pipeline being pulled in from rotating.

In order to reduce the friction forces of the pulled pipeline against the walls of the drilled hole, in addition to feeding the bentonite scrubber, pipelines are suspended, placed on roller guides and ballasted by filling it with water or other liquid while pulling in.

The video below shows the course of the directional drilling process

Measuring devices

A magnetic and electromagnetic radiolocation system is used to control the parameters of the pilot hole being made. It consists of the aforementioned probe (a transmitter located just behind the pilot head), a portable locator and a data display monitor. The probe emits a radio signal that is picked up by a portable locator placed directly above the transmitter. The locator receives information about the location of the probe, which is transferred to the drilling rig operator's station.

The latest solutions of radiolocation systems, in particular locators, allow to receive a signal from the transmitter without the need to directly locate the locator above the transmitter. It is especially important when crossing communication routes and water reservoirs. However, the information obtained is burdened with a greater reading error.

The course of technological processes during the implementation of the controlled drilling:

  • Preparatory work,
  • transport of machines and devices to the construction site,
  • setting out the appropriate drilling trajectory (based on the relevant technical documentation),
  • proper preparation of the pipeline (welding),
  • proper foundation and anchoring of the drilling device - drilling rig,
  • preparation of a properly prepared drilling fluid,
  • securing the construction site and grounding the drilling unit,
  • calibration of appropriate measuring and location devices,
  • selection of an appropriate rake angle and start drilling,
  • performing a pilot drilling and applying location measurements,
  • replacement of drilling tools,
  • reaming (repeatable process - depending on the diameter of the pipeline),
  • replacement of drilling tools,
  • assembly of the pull-in head at the beginning of the pipeline,
  • pipeline pulling,
  • securing the introduced pipeline,
  • registration of ordinates of the installed installation,
  • cleaning and disassembly of machines and devices,
  • chores


Before directional drilling was started, pneumatic jacking was used for passages under terrain obstacles.

Pneumatic jacking with a punch is a simple and cheap method of trenchless construction of underground networks, used in Poland for almost half a century. For the creators of the so-called The punch used in jacking is considered to be Poles.

However, there are some limitations to jacking off. Primarily, this method can be used in compactable soils, as there is no spoil removal and excess soil is compacted around the pneumatic punch.

Another limitation of the use of pneumatic jacking is the maximum outer diameter of the built-in nets. It is a maximum of 300 mm. On the other hand, the lengths of one-time built-in network sections are relatively up to 35 m, and in the controlled jacking method up to 70 m.

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